To Ponder

  1. How was book portrayed by Malaysian mainstream media?
  2. What are the roles played by pondok as an institution in the dissemination of religious books among Kelantanese?
  3. What are the history of Malaysian encyclopedia?
  4. What are the history of Malay dictionaries published in Malaysia?
  5. Emergence of independent publishers who want to broke the mainstream image of books as popularized by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
  6. The history of mu'jam and mawrid: from Middle East to Malaysian shores. 
  7. How printing as new technology were perceived by the traditional manuscript copyist in Malay culture?
  8. How was the transition from manuscript copying to print happened in our history?
  9. Encyclopedia on Islam.
  10. Defending ethnic identity (language) through book culture: case of Chinese in Malaysia. 
  11. The rise of online bookstores as influential book dissemination channel in Malaysia.
  12. Future of libraries in Malaysia. 
  13. Intellectual history of Malaysia: a study based on the book history of the nation.
  14. The last manuscript of the Malay world.
  15. Book as a force in Malaysia (before Merdeka, during Japanese occupation, after Merdeka, during Mahathir's era?)
  16. Media portrayal of books in Malaysia: the mainstream newspaper roles in promoting book culture